Contract terms

Hilton Contract Terms for Group and Meeting Bookings

These terms are applicable for all Hilton hotels’ group–,meeting – and restaurant bookings. To en­sure that our group and meeting arrangements can be executed as agreed, the following terms and recommendations must be followed strictly, unless otherwise agreed.


The booking and its cancellation terms are valid and binding immediately after the subscriber confirms the booking either in writing or over the phone, and the sales office confirms it in writing. The subscriberis responsible for the booking.

The booking confirmation includes the booking details, terms and prices. All changes to the booking must be done in writing or over the phone to the sales office.

The hotel reserves the right to book a meeting room that best suits the number of participants. The meeting booking is valid for the number of participants informed by the subscriber. If the number of participants is es­sentially changed, the hotel has the right to address a new meeting room for the event, and renegotiate the event’s details and prices.

A detailed schedule for the event must be delivered to the hotel two weeks before the event.

The subscriber does not have the right to transfer the booking to a third party without a written agreement from Hilton.



In case of cancellations, the cancellation fee will be calculated separately for accommodation and Food&Beverage services, taking into account the possible minimum purchase of the event

Reduction of value booking


persons or room nights


persons or room nights


persons or room nights


persons or room nights


persons or room nights

over 401

persons or room nights

100% 7 days 14 days 30 days 60 days 120 days 180 days
50% 3 days 7 days 14 days 30 days 60 days 120 days
25% 1 days 3 days 7 days 14 days 30 days 60 days
10% n/a 1 day 3 days 7 days 14 days 30 days
5% n/a n/a 1 day 3 days 7 days 14 days

Two participants or room nights can be cancelled on the day of arrival in bookings over 50 persons/ room nights.

The hotel will charge full payment in such cases where the subscriber either arrives later or departs earlier than what is con­firmed in the agreement, or does not arrive at all. Hilton has the right to full compensation on services that cannot be cancelled. This means for example services ordered from a subcontractor.

Billing is based on the confirmed number of people. If the realized amount is higher than the confirmed amount, the realized amount will be invoiced to the subscriber. In case of cancellation, cancellation costs will be calculated separately for accommodation and meeting and restaurant services according to the table. If the event is canceled, cancellation costs will be charged retrospectively according to the cancellation policy.


Participant A participant of a meeting or group booking (number of participants).
Room nights Number of room nights in a group booking. When a booking has 20 rooms for two nights, the number of room nights is 40 (20 rooms x 2 nights).
Reduction of value The euro–based value of the booking can be a maximum of this many percent from the latest total revenue confirmed by the sales office (the value of hotel rooms and meeting and/or restau­rant bookings is calculated separately).


The entire booking is bound with the same cancellation rules. After the last free of charge cancellation date the booking will stay in the same column of the cancellation table even if the booking was reduced. In case the number of participants or number of room nights increases, the hotel has the right to apply a larger booking’s cancellation terms. If the booking includes both meeting and accommodation, and these two do not fit into the same column, the hotel applies the larger booking’s terms to the entire booking.


You book a 25 person meeting for three days and 25 hotel rooms for 3 nights > Room nights are a total of 75, so the “51-100” column is applied to the entire booking


You book 100 rooms for 5 nights > Total room nights are 500, so the “over 401” column is applied.


The subscriber is responsible for all expenses, unless other­wise agreed in writing. Invoicing is only possible when your company holds a valid invoicing agreement with Scandic Ho­tels Oy. An invoicing charge will be added to all invoices. Un­less the terms of payment are otherwise specified, the client shall pay with cash, a (local) debit card, or a credit card. When paying on departure, please provide us with a credit card num­ber and expiry date in advance. Please note that the hotel is entitled to ask for a full or partial pre-payment. If the time for payment is exceeded, the hotel shall be entitled to charge late payment interest from the due date at the current country-specific norm. If the agreed payment has not been settled by the due date, the hotel has the right to cancel the booking.


Hilton has the right to cancel or change the booking in case of a strike, lockout, fire, explosion, war or warlike conditions, substantial restrictions on supplies and other circumstanc­es outside Scandic’s control. Damages due to such circum­stances will not be compensated. The hotel also has a right to stop or cancel an event if it disturbs other operations or in any manner endangers the hotels’ safety or reputation.


The hotel reserves the right to review the prices annually, and also if there is a change to taxes or other public charges assigned by the authorities. In such cases Hilton is obliged to inform the change to the subscriber.

All total prices are estimated to current event information and dates, and are inclusive of value added tax. We reserve the right to change the price in case there is a change to the booking’s dates, number of participants, number of meeting or hotel rooms.

The prices are non–commissionable unless otherwise stated.


Hilton is not liable for any items kept in the hotel premises or hotel rooms or that are left there. The subscriber is obliged to protect the rented premises and furniture from any damage. The subscriber is liable for all damages that the subscriber’s equipment, personnel, artists or participants cause to the premises or chattel. The subscriber is liable for any equipment and chattel brought to the hotel. The subscriber is pledged to follow the company employees’ instructions regarding the use of the premises, furniture and equipment. The subscriber is liable for the booking in its entirety.


Special requests – regarding for example special diets or security arrangements – must be informed to the sales office as early on as possible. If special requests are informed too close to the event, we may not be able to fulfill them.


The subscriber has no right to alter the premises, erect or attach temporary compositions, signs or other items without a permission from Hilton.


The hotel has exclusive right to provide the catering for the event. The hotel in its entirety is alcohol retail area, and consuming own beverages is prohibited by the Finnish alcohol law.


Any material delivered to the hotel must be reported well in advance. Hilton is not liable for any lost deliveries. All material delivered to the hotel (including package material) must be removed from the hotel after the event. In case any material is left behind, Hilton has the right to remove them at the subscriber’s expense.


Taking photos and video recording in the hotel premises without Hiltons’ consent is prohibited. You can use the name of the hotel in your invitations. But if you are going to go public, for example with advertisements and signs, the hotel must approve the material first.


In the event that after this confirmation is signed, the hotel confirms any plans to remodel or renovate its facilities,

the hotel agrees to inform the client in writing within a reasonable amount of time of the following:

A. Planned scope of project

B. Schedule for commencement and completion

C. Anticipated impact project will have on areas to be utilized by the client

D. The hotel’s plan for minimizing the impact of the project on the client.

The hotel’s plan to renovate or remodel will not constitute grounds for termination of this agreement unless mutually agreed upon by both parties.


In the event that after this confirmation is signed, the hotel confirms to discontinue as an operator or close the hotel, the hotel agrees to inform the client in writing within a reasonable amount of time of the following:

A. Date of closure or discontinuation

B. Anticipated impact of closure or discontinuation to reservations by the client

C. The hotel’s possibilities to offer similar facilities from other locations operated by the hotel company

The hotel’s plan to close or discontinue as operator will not constitute grounds for termination of this agreement unless mutually agreed upon by both parties.


Any possible conflict situations between Hilton and the subscriber must be solved by the arbitration rules currently valid in the country in question.


In the event of war, decisions by the authorities, acts of terrorism, catastrophes, strikes,domestic political disturbances or any other circumstance in Finland beyond the control of the parties that makes it inadvisable, illegal or impossible for the parties to fulfill their obligations pursuant to this confirmation, either party shall be entitled to terminate this confirmation in writing without the obligation to make compensation in any form.